KPJ Healthcare Berhad

A leader in Malaysia's challenging healthcare services industry

Event Detail:

KPJ 5Km Colour Run against cancer attracts some 2,500 participants


KOTA KINABALU : Over 2,500 Rainbow warriors of all ages blazed the trail at the popular beach park at Taman Teluk Likas yesterday morning to take on this year’s KPJ 5Km Colour Run against cancer.

Thousands of participants thronged the beach park for the warming-up session as early as 5.45am, before being showered with masses of orange, pinks and blues right from the get-go after the flagging-off ceremony at 6.45am by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau.

To the delight of the crowd, autobots from transformers, Bumblebee and Optimus Prime also made an appearance, dancing and warming up with participants clad in pink, blue and yellow tees.

This year’s run takes participants on 5km challenge from the park, amidst morning views of the scenic bay, jogging along the Tun Fuad Stephens road before heading back to the starting point.

In a show of solidarity for cancer victims including their families, friends and loved ones, thousands of runners spent their Sunday morning to join the ‘Run to Fight Cancer’ which is the theme for this year’s event, and to raise awareness on the importance of early detection through annual medical check-ups and screenings.

Among those who joined the launching of the run include Assistant Education and Innovation Minister Jenifer Lasimbang.

The atmosphere at Taman Teluk Likas erupted with scenes of jubilation as runners were splashed with colourful powder, each representing the different types of cancer – pink for breast cancer, orange for leukemia, light blue for prostate cancer, teal for ovarian cancer and many more.

“This is the time for members of the public to join hands to fight cancer, show their support for cancer victims and their families, friends and heighten awareness on early detection of tumors and prevention of cancers,” said KPJ Sabah Chief Executive Officer, Miranda Harumal.

She highlighted cancer is a devastating disease that can also take an emotional toll on victims fighting the battle and loved ones, underlining the importance of giving support and motivation to those fighting the disease. The highest number of cancer cases in the specialist hospital involved those suffering from breast cancer, and second is nose or nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC).

During the event, there were various other exciting activities on display at the park which include health exhibitions, Colour Run photo booths, lucky draws with attractive prizes and even an auto show by Sabah Bimmers Owners Club and many more.

“We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our community for showing their tremendous support and we will continue to make every effort to create health awareness with the aim of enhancing quality of life in our pursuit for better health,“ said Miranda. - New Sabah Times