KPJ Healthcare Berhad

A leader in Malaysia's challenging healthcare services industry

Event Detail:


PNC International College of Nursing And Health Sciences (PNC) is a subsidiary of KPJ Healthcare Berhad. KPJ is one of the largest healthcare groups in the region offering diverse and integrated range


PNC’s 12th Convocation today celebrates the success of 346 trainees from the various nursing and health sciences programs namely Diploma and Bachelor in Nursing, Higher Certificate in Operating Department Practice, Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Critical Care), Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Nurse Education), Renal Nursing and Paedriatic Nursing.
The convocation ceremony was graciously opened by the guest of honour, YB Datuk Ir. Hj. Idris bin Hj. Haron, Deputy Minister of Higher Education Malaysia. YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Mohammad Ali Hashim, Chairman of KPJ Healthcare Berhad was also present at the ceremony.

Reputed to be the first private nursing college to initiate the Diploma in Nursing Programme, PNC launched its training and education with the first intake of 30 students in September 1991. As at July 2008, PNC had successfully enrolled 2,279 students which include 1,475 Diploma in Nursing holders. PNC now offers eleven (11) programs which include Diploma in Nursing, Diploma in Medical Imaging, Diploma in Physiotherapy, Diploma in Pharmacy, Certificate in Health Management and Leadership, Critical Care Nursing, Renal Nursing, Paedriatic Nursing, Operating Department Practice Course, Nurse Education/Teaching and Certificate in Health Information Management.

PNC has built strong international collaboration with foreign universities from Australia and United Kingdom. As early as 1994 PNC forged a strong working relationship with University of South Australia to undertake several nurse education programs such as Critical Care Nursing, Renal nursing and Paedriatic Nursing. PNC with UniSA has trained more than 600 students in Critical Care Nursing, Senior Nursing Officers comprising of Nurse Lecturers and Nurse Instructors, Heads of Services and executives in Management and Leadership.

To date, almost 160 Senior SRNs have undergone the Bachelor of Nursing program, and about 10 nursing officers have completed their Masters in Nursing through UniSA and other universities locally and abroad. Some of these Masters holders are currently undertaking their PhDs in Nursing or Education. PNC has also collaborated with Edith Cowan University and Curtin University, Western Australia for post basic nursing education. Through PNC’s ties with Liverpool John Moores University for the Operating Theatre Practice Programme since 1997, 160 trained theater practitioners have been produced, and the affiliation still continues.

Guided and supported by 80 experienced teaching staff, the campus is well equipped with lecture theatres and auditoriums, tutorial rooms, skills laboratories, spacious library, cafeteria, and full student residential facilities. In this new premise, PNC is now training more than 1,200 students at any one time.

In view of the future demand coming from all over the region, PNC has expanded its campus and will be able to cater for an additional capacity of 5000 students’ enrolment for an initial period of five (5) years. PNC has opened its branch campus in Johor Bahru in early 2008 to meet the increasing demand for nurses with a first intake of 90 students for July intake.
PNC, together with its parent company, KPJ Healthcare Berhad initiated the Overseas Work Placement Program, and since 2001, batches of experienced SRNs were assigned to hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A threat turned into an opportunity; this working arrangement has enabled the nurses from the KPJ Group to obtain valuable exposure and experience working in multinational set-ups while maintaining their positions and services in the Group. This challenging and enriching experience working abroad shall benefit the individual employee, the organization and the community at large.
Leveraging on this established track record in Malaysia and abroad, PNC graduates are poised to meet the challenges of the growing local and international markets, in support of Malaysia’s aspiration to be an education hub for the region.