2nd OXFORD GLOBAL ISLAMIC BRANDING AND MARKETING FORUM 2012 12-13 JULY, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Muslim consumers present a strong voice that the globalised world of business is paying more attention to, but has yet to understand fully. For Muslim companies who want to capitalise on this global market, there is a major challenge to learn and apply successful branding and marketing skills and techniques.
The Forum will provide a platform of discussion on the key issues, opportunities and challenges in engaging the growing Muslim market. It is estimated that the market for Shariah compliant products is currently worth over USD$2 trillion.
The Forum will offer insight into the latest understanding of Muslim markets and consumers, what market entry strategies are successful, what advertising and communication plans are most effective, what the marketing opportunities and challenges are for the global Halal industry, from lifestyle products and services to the Internet and food to finance.
This major Oxford event will bring together Muslim and non-Muslim leaders and companies from the UK, USA, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss how to develop better trade and business relations and to learn from each other about these markets. The Forum will be followed by an Oxford University masterclass on ‘Country Branding: how to value and enhance your nation’s brand’.
For further information about the programme and to register for the Forum please visit our website www.sbs.oxford.edu/islamicmarketing
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford