JOHOR BARU: Concerned for the well-being of a 20-year-old brain cancer patient, the KPJ Specialists Hospital’s Consultant Charity Fund reached out to Muhammad Syukur Othman at his home here recently.
Syukur was diagnosed with brain cancer about two years ago, and as a result, his family was in need of assistance to treat him.
The hospital contributed disposable adult diapers from the fund to help him with his daily needs.
The fund’s chairman, Dr Ong Ah How, said the contribution was part of the hospital’s corporate sbcial responsibility to lighten Syukur’s family burden.
"We. decided to donate the diapers after reading about the youth’s plight in the newspapers last year.
"Hopefully, our contribution will alleviate his family’s burden as they spend about RM700 a month to pay for Syukur’s medical expenses," he said.
The patient’s father, Othman Ibrahirn, 60, said he was thankful for the assistance given by the hospital.
"Our family values the contribution as the diapers help to cater to Syukur’s daily needs," said Othrnan, who works as a taxi driver.