KLANG: Women must give greater importance to their health as many now suffer from diseases previously thought to affect only men.
The fact that many women juggle both work and the care of the home only increases the possibility of poor health if care is not taken.
A public forum on women's health, organised by KPJ Klang Spe cialist Hospital, provided indepth discussions on prevention and early detection of gynaecological and breast cancers, menopause, hor mone replacement therapy and heart disease in women yesterday.
KPJ Klang consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Vijayavel Vadiveloo gave an insight into hu man papillomavirus, cervical and ovarian cancers. He also spoke on the treatment and prevention of such conditions.
"Despite being the second most common cancer in women, cervical cancer is a curable disease if treated in its early stages."
Dr Vijayavel said 50 per cent of Asian women diagnosed with can cer died every year because of a lack of awareness of the illness.
"Women should place greater sig nificance on their health and make it a point to get regular check ups to ensure they are healthy as sicknesses can be fatal if not treated as soon as possible."
The forum panellists included plastic surgeon Dr Oommen George, who spoke about breast cancer, including the management and treatment of breast cancer and post mastectomy breast reconstruction.
Dr George also talked about gy naecomastia — the development of excessive breast tissues in males — which caused psychological dis tress, especially to young boys.
Other panellists were KPJ Klang Specialist Hospital medical director and consultant obstetrician and gy naecologist Datuk Dr N. Sivamohan and consultant cardiologist Dr Lim Eu Jin. |